Slow Rolling Thunder: Live And Unadulterated

American band offers several solid videos of songs from a recent show

FFO: Rock, Hard Rock

A strong sound, persuasively genuine and independent, Slow Rolling Thunder has released a number of live videos on YouTube. Featured at an indoor stage setting, the Utah-based band projects a particular emphasis from the group’s concert setlist. That certainty is felt by attendees as well as social media viewers. Bearing a self-described, classic melodic hard rock hashtag, the four musicians create live music that is approachable and appealing.  

Slow Rolling Thunder’s live show connects with a band of musicians who enjoy making music.

The lead singer and frontman of Slow Rolling Thunder wields an acoustic guitar, supported by an electric guitarist, bass player and drummer. With nothing to hide behind except expertise and passion, SRT creates music that is free from pretense and full of feeling. For instance, “World Goes Round” emits a comfortable live dynamic at just the right pace to qualify as a hanging out song on a Saturday night. Another highlight, “Million Miles,” jams with a classic rock petition while remaining thoroughly Slow Rolling Thunder.

Generally speaking, the drums and bass are entirely synced while the electric guitarist plays rhythm as well as hot leads. The frontman’s vocals and acoustic rhythm play are typically front and center. Clad in a baseball hat, the singer’s presence and vocal magnetism adds a formidable character. Watching the video for “Spinning Stone,” the band’s cohesiveness emerges through the music.

For more, please visit Slow Rolling Thunder’s YouTube page.

Slow Rolling


Paul Wolfle, the publisher of, is a web-based journalist who has written for several popular sites. Paul has a passion for connecting with a diversity of musicians who are looking to grow a positive presence on the World Wide Web.


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